Ms. Charlotte Shares her Top 10 Memories from the Past 10 Years at ADC!
10. Disney X 4s! We loved every minute of dancing at Disney. From Broadway to Contemporary to Jazz, we've done it all with the mouse!
9. Ms. Charlotte & Mr. Jeremy's Wedding Reception at ADC! (2013): We loved dancing our “first dance” as husband and wife in Studio 2.
8. The 1st Ballet Production at Recital (2011): Ms. Mary Ann designed a special ballet for all of our ballet classes in our first ever production. Ms. Andrea and Mr. Jeremy performed as guests.
7. Dancing Queen Dads! (2016): This special edition of the Daddy Daughter Dance stole the show. Love the commitment to the character from these Dads!
6. The Launch of FSDC (2013): The Foster-Schmidt Dance Company was founded to give additional performance opportunities for students with Down syndrome. These dancers still inspire us daily!
5. The 1st Aerial Dance in Recital (2016): The Dance Conditioning program started by Mr. Jeremy transformed to the Aerial Dance Program. In 2016, there were four dancers in the Advanced class, performing aerial for the first time at recital.
4. The 1st ADC Baby – Penelope Arrives! (2017): What a cutie! Baby P is well loved by all!
3. What you Are: This iconic dance has been re-done MANY times at ADC and definitely a favorite for Mr. Jeremy.
2. Unloading & installing 20,000 lbs. of dance flooring: When the delivery truck refused to lift anything out of the truck, ADC students and families showed up to help. We formed a chain, disassembled the pallets on the truck, and passed pieces of the wood sub floor down the line to re-stack in the studio. Marley rolls that weighed 500 lbs each were unloaded by Dads and Friends. There was no stopping the development of ADC! Those who helped with the build out painted their foot and put their footprint on the front desk.
1. The Legacy Continues: Two ADC Alumni on Faculty! (2019): Nothing warms my heart more than to see my passion for education shared by my students. Ms. Eli & Ms. Haley are permanent members of our Faculty!