It's that time of year again! Summer is winding down, and fall is just around the corner. Everyone is returning to another year of school, and we all know what that means: the dance year is beginning! Soon all the studios will be filled with eager students ready to step their technique up to the next level. So how do you prepare for the hustle and bustle of the new dance year? Here are some tips we thought might help!
1. Make sure you already have all of your dancewear and shoes for each class. It is never good to start the year unprepared for class. Try on your shoes and dancewear ahead of time. If you don't have something you need, make sure you come in to the studio at least thirty minutes before your class to pick it up, or check our office hours and feel free to stop by anytime for us to assist you.
2. Write your name on EVERYTHING. I mean it…everything! You may be the most responsible student in the world, but if your ballet shoe accidentally leaps out of your dance bag when you leave the studio and you don't have your name on it, then we won't know whos it is. It's always best to have your name or initials written on your shoes, the inside of your leotards, tights, dance shorts, dance bag, lunch box…everything. That way when it gets lost, or your friend accidentally picks it up thinking its theirs, you know its yours.
3. Sew your ballet shoes. Again, don't be unprepared on your first day. It's always easy to say you are going to sew your ballet shoes later, but as the year goes on you get even busier. The easiest thing to do is make sure everything is ready for your first day, and then you don't have to worry about doing it later.
4. Make sure you have everything packed and ready to go in your dance bag. You just got home from school, ate a quick snack and barely have time to update your facebook status about how much you love Atlanta Dance Central. Unfortunately, you didnt have time to check your dance bag and you get to the dance studio only to find that you forgot your pink tights, and today you have ballet. Go ahead and pack your dance bag the night before, and you will be fully prepared when you get here.
5. Show up to class at least 10 minutes early. You don't want to get the spot in the back of jazz class, or the corner spot on the ballet barre. It's your first day of dance! Chances are you're going to see a friend you haven't seen in a while, and if you show up 10 minutes early, you're going to have time to chat with them before you get in the classroom. Give yourself time to put your stuff down, get ready, and even warm up a little bit!
6. Bring a bottle of water into class with you. Lets face it, dance is a full on workout. Its a new year and you are going to be working harder than ever. Have a water bottle handy so you can rehydrate at your convenience.
7. Come open minded. You may be trying a new style, you might have a new teacher, or you may be in a new level. Don't get frustrated if you can't do something right away. If you have never been good at doing things on the left before, you feel like you'll never have a double pirouette, or your grande battement is lower than you want, don't start the year out frustrated. Open your mind, set realistic goals, and be ready to have a great time.
8. Show up with a smile, and get pumped! No matter how difficult or challenging it can be, dance is supposed to be fun. So make sure you bring your smile and your excited energy to class.
Those are just a few tips for how to start your dance year on the right foot. So bring your smile, come prepared, and know that here at ADC we are just as excited to be starting the year as you are!
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