On the last day of the contemporary intensive, the students finished their day with a choreography skills class. Now let me preface this by saying that the day before, this group was very shy in their improvisation class. Moving how they wanted to versus doing specific choreography that was given to …
How a Private Lesson Gave a Student More Than Technique
A couple of weeks ago I was working with a student on her tap skills. This particular child was very timid in classes during the year. I could barely hear the sounds coming from her feet, and she would physically back away from me when I would move in closer to listen. In …
Dancer of the Year: Whitney Cookston
Every year at the recital we celebrate a Dancer of the Year! The Dancer of the Year is chosen from the students who were nominated for Student of the Month over the course of the year. This year we are excited to congratulate our 2017 Dancer of the Year: Whitney Cookston. Whitney started …